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May 21-23, Wolf Law School, Boulder CO
Wednesday, May 22 • 2:40pm - 3:10pm
Introduction to the Commercial Cloud

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CU Boulder Research Computing Cloud Foundation Service provides access to centrally provisioned public cloud services for administrative, teaching & learning, and research needs. This includes new and existing applications, big data workloads and other workloads well suited to the major public cloud services, including Amazon Web Service, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform.
This session will provide a high level overview of Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure’s commercial cloud services. We’ll first introduce cloud computing concepts, then dive into the console of both services and explore their basic features. We will conclude with resources for learning and getting started, including a run down of the Cloud Foundations Service. This session includes live demos, but participants are not expected to follow along.


Dylan Gottlieb

University of Colorado Boulder

Wednesday May 22, 2024 2:40pm - 3:10pm MDT
Room 207
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