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May 21-23, Wolf Law School, Boulder CO
Tuesday, May 21 • 2:10pm - 2:40pm
Easier Job Array Submission with slurm-auto-array

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slurm-auto-array provides users of sbatch an easier way to submit job arrays, especially when their work units are very small and/or very numerous. It reduces the Slurm scheduler's burden by aggregating many units of work into a single array task, allowing a command to be run on millions of inputs with tens of array tasks. Users supply arguments directly over stdin much like one would with parallel or xargs, which is significantly easier for users than manually mapping SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID onto their inputs. It has allayed the need for extensive user training on job arrays and diminished the scheduling woes that come of a user submitting thousands of jobs in a loop.


Michael Greenburg

Brigham Young University

Tuesday May 21, 2024 2:10pm - 2:40pm MDT
Room 204
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Attendees (3)